If you went through the ITT documents, there was a lot of emails about GE, or Gainful Employment. The Gainful Employment rule was put into place by the Obama administration, but was rescinded under Trump.
The “gainful employment” definition was established in regulations during the Obama Administration to stop program abuse occurring largely in the career college sector. The Obama Administration’s gainful employment regulations were short-lived. One of the first regulatory initiatives of the Trump Administration was to convene a negotiated rulemaking panel regarding the future of the gainful employment regulations, which led to the termination of the Obama-era regulations in July 2019.
The Obama Administration developed the controversial regulations out of a concern that a significant number of gainful employment programs were not providing students the skills needed to gain employment in the occupation for which a program was supposedly designed. Further, there was concern that the jobs students got were low-paying, and thus not worth the expense of the education, leaving many of these students with debt on which they often defaulted. Thus, the gainful employment regulations were designed to ensure that students don’t take on large amounts of debt for training programs that lead to jobs with earnings too low for them to repay their loans.
Credit: https://www.naicu.edu/policy-advocacy/issue-brief-index/regulation/gainful-employment
Todd Rokita, who is the current Attorney General of Indiana (where ITT had a ginormous footprint, 12000 students when they closed), lobbied against Gainful Employment, while he was a United States Representative. This guy is dirty.
It’s in the video. I was amazed to see that this douche was now AG.
OK, I reallllllly wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, so I was like, okay, I will google him. Nah, folks, he’s still a douche.