I went to ITT as a member of the lost generation. What I mean to say is that we have been written off.
I am 57 years old.

My original ITT loans were consolidated in 1991 into another loan. The provider of that loan was Citibank I think.
I assure you that Citibank did not give one rat’s ass about whether or not ITT had lied to me or if I had gotten the education I paid for. They wanted their money and the ONLY thing they ever said to me was send your money or else.
That loan was eventually rolled into another loan in 2001.
And I know I am not alone. I’ve seen the numbers regarding the amount of student loan debt in my generation. Why is that? Because there was NO oversight by the Department of Education – the same people that deny relief.
The Department of Education turned a blind eye to everything that for profit schools were doing for decades. Only doing something, when the problem became too big to avoid. Companies like ITT sold educations like they were used cars, to thousands of people during the 1980s and 1990s. And our debts are still around. Waiting to be addressed after years of being told there is nothing that can be done.
I heard that line since day 1.